A large explosion finally managed to find its way to Earth after traveling across thousands of years in space. This explosion is known from the XMM-Newton and Integral ESA's Space Observatories, and the astronomers were able to find the star died from a very rare group, namely, the magnetar.
Magnetar Illustration. Credit: NASA, the data burst SGR0501 +4516
Magnetar Illustration. Credit: NASA, the data burst SGR0501 +4516
X-rays from this giant explosion arrived at Earth, August 22, 2008, and triggered the automatic sensor on the International Swidt NASA satellite on. twelve hours later XMM-Newton began to gather in order to study the radiation spectrum of the decay in the magnetar explosion in more detail.
Ended in a burst of 4 hours, and during that time hundreds of small explosion had measured. Nanda Rea of the University of Amsterdam who led the team to investigate this incident states, magnetar is a matter of extreme conditions that can not be produced on Earth.
Magnetar is an object with a very strong kemagnitan in the universe. Magnetic field is in the range of 10 thousand million times stronger than Earth's. If the magnetar magically appeared on the half distance between the Earth-Moon, it is undeniable that at the time magnetna field will remove smeua credit card details that are on earth.
Magnetar that appeared and arrested XMM-Newton is known as SGR 0501 +4516, and is estimated to be at a distance of 15,000 light years. Magnetar is by no dikeal to reveal its existence letupannya own. Explosion or explosion occurred in the setting of the magnetar's magnetic field is unstable so that the magnetar's crust and pushing the material was overflowing out of a volcanic explosion is very exotic. Tanglement between the material and magnetic fields can then modify the existing configuration and release more energy.
Five days after the big bang, Integral detects the presence of X-ray high-energy coming from the blast, in a range that can be seen XMM-Newton. X-ray high-energy is then gilang within 10 days and is expected as a result of changes in the magnetar's magnetic configuration. Magnetar explosion could give as much energy with solar flares, although located far across the galaxy, while the sun was not far from us.
X-ray high berenerdi from SGR 0501 +4516 were observed Integral. Credit: ESA / INTEGRAL / IBIS-SIGRI (Rea et al. 2009)
X-ray high berenerdi from SGR 0501 +4516 were observed Integral. Credit: ESA / INTEGRAL / IBIS-SIGRI (Rea et al. 2009)
How can magnetar formed? Until now, there are two ideas put forward about the formation of magnetar. The idea of the first states, magnetar comes from a very small core is left when a star dies magnetk. But the star with a big kemagnitan is extremely rare. There are only a few in our galaxy. Other ideas expressed, throughout the process of a normal star's death, a small part of the core will accelerate and strengthen the dynamo makes medang magnernya and then turned into a magnetar.
We have more astronomers believe that the first idea, but still no real evidence belumm can strengthen these allegations. If there magnetar in galaxy clusters kemagitan stars with large, then the evidence could be obtained.
Until now, only 15 are known to exist magnetar in our galaxy. SGR 0501 +4516 is the first type of "soft gamma repeaters", one of the magnetar type 2 was found after a search for a decade.
Searching was continued with waiting for the next big explosion. And for SGR 0501 +4516, the research team will examine it again next year with the XMM-Newton in the hope of seeing the object in a calmer situation is not in the condition of the explosion, so the research can be done to calm conditions after the storm hit.
Kamis, 19 November 2009
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